Review askew

Review askew

July 31, 2019

A 16-year-old girl living in a group home told us she had asked her children’s aid society worker to initiate a review of her placement because she felt unsafe, but the caseworker didn't follow up with her.

Issues: Children’s aid society; ; Group home; Rights (Safety); Rights (Get help)

A 16-year-old girl living in a group home told us she had asked her children’s aid society worker to initiate a review of her placement because she felt unsafe, but the caseworker didn't follow up with her.

We contacted the caseworker, who told us she thought the teen was happy where she was living. But when we spoke again to the youth, she told us this was incorrect.

Our Office facilitated a conversation between the two to make sure the teen received a review of her placement, to which she was legally entitled.

During this conversation, we also learned the caseworker was not familiar with the review process, and didn't know it was her job to assist young people in care initiate reviews of residential placements if requested. We provided her with information about the residential review process. Ombudsman staff will follow up with both the 16-year-old and the caseworker to monitor the outcome of the case.

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