A difficult day

A difficult day

June 28, 2021

28 June 2021

Our Office checked on a youth after we heard she was hurt when her group home staff physically restrained her self-injurious behaviour.

Issues: Group home; Physical restraints; Death and Serious Bodily Harm Report (DSBH); Rights (Safety)

Our Office checked on a youth after we heard she was hurt when her group home staff physically restrained her self-injurious behaviour. We learned of the incident through a mandatory report known as a Death and Serious Bodily Harm (DSBH) notification that all agencies are required to file. We follow up on every DSBH notification that indicates a young person has been injured as the result of a physical restraint.

When we spoke to the youth about this case, she said she had no concerns. She explained she was having “a really hard day” and staff were trying to assist her. She told us she now felt fine, and felt supported by the staff in the home where she was living.

Learn more about the Children and Youth Unit which answers questions and takes complaints about child protection services.
Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.