Dogged determination

Dogged determination

June 28, 2021

28 June 2021

After a youth living in a treatment home complained that his request for a service dog was refused, we followed up with his CAS worker.

Issues: Disability; Rights (Identity)

After a youth living in a treatment home complained that his request for a service dog was refused,* we followed up with his CAS worker. She raised the issue with the home, which agreed to develop a new policy regarding service dogs, which they provided to us. She also arranged for a puppy to be trained as a service dog for the youth.

*Services provided under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, should, among other identity characteristics, take a young person’s disability into account.

Learn more about the Children and Youth Unit which answers questions and takes complaints about child protection services.
Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.