Whistleblower heard

Whistleblower heard

June 28, 2021

A whistleblower came to us with several disturbing allegations about a group home serving children and youth who are medically fragile or have other vulnerabilities.

Issues: Group home; Quality of care; Rights (Good care); Rights (Safety)

A whistleblower came to us with several disturbing allegations about a group home serving children and youth who are medically fragile or have other vulnerabilities. These included allegations of physical abuse, hygiene issues and failure to provide some medical services. At our request, the caller agreed to provide information to the local children’s aid society (CAS) and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.

The CAS conducted an investigation, and our staff remained involved throughout to monitor the outcome. The CAS made several recommendations as a result of its investigation, including additional training and support for night staff at the home, and regular monitoring by the supervisor to make sure hygiene protocols are properly followed. It also recommended that all employees record their concerns in the home’s information system so the supervisor can follow up on issues, and that all allegations of abuse be reported to the Ministry in Serious Occurrence Reports.

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