The Ombudsman investigates individual complaints and major systemic issues under the Ombudsman Act.
He also investigates complaints about closed municipal meetings under the Municipal Act. To learn more, read about our open meeting cases or find your closed meeting investigator.
The Ombudsman also makes submissions to government on proposed legislation.
June 26, 2024
26 June 2024
Long-distance resolution
A woman who had been living outside of Canada for 15 years sought our help in obtaining more than $25,000 in child support through the Family Responsibility Office (FRO).
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June 26, 2024
26 June 2024
Pricey blunder
A woman sought our help because she hadn’t received Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) payments or drug benefits from August 2020 to October 2021.
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June 26, 2024
26 June 2024
Appeal to reason
A woman had her ODSP application denied after a year of waiting.
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June 26, 2024
26 June 2024
Suitable support
A father in crisis sought our help to find services and supported living for his son, a 15-year-old with complex special needs.
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October 5, 2023
5 October 2023
Seal of disapproval
A man who pays family support through the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) complained to us that the FRO was garnishing too much from his federal disability payments, leaving him unable to pay his rent.
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October 5, 2023
5 October 2023
Suspended payment
A woman was owed thousands of dollars in support payments by a former spouse who was living in British Columbia.
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October 5, 2023
5 October 2023
Funding frustration
The mother of an 11-year-old with autism and developmental disabilities contacted us when she wasn’t able to access funding under the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) or the Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities program (ACSD), even though she believed her child was eligible for both.
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August 10, 2022
10 August 2022
Power arrangers
A woman who was behind on her hydro bills asked Ontario Works (OW) for help to avoid getting disconnected.
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August 10, 2022
10 August 2022
Found money
A mother had been waiting for months to access support funding to assist with her nine-year-old son’s developmental mental health conditions.
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August 10, 2022
10 August 2022
Breaking the bank
A woman who was owed more than $10,000 in support payments from her ex-husband complained to us that she had provided documents to the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) proving that he had the money in a bank account, but the FRO would not take action.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
August 10, 2022
10 August 2022
Voicemail jail
An Ontario Works (OW) recipient urgently needed help when her benefits were suspended because she submitted some paperwork late.
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August 10, 2022
10 August 2022
Post-mortem refund
A man who had continued to make regular family support payments to his former mother-in-law, who had cared for his now-adult daughter, complained to us after he learned the older woman had been dead for more than a year.
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June 28, 2021
28 June 2021
Letter imperfect
The mother of a 21-year-old woman with developmental disabilities complained to us that she had not been reimbursed by the province’s Passport program for support services that she purchased for her daughter.
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June 28, 2021
28 June 2021
Failed to send
An Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipient complained to us that her benefits had been cut off twice without warning.
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June 28, 2021
28 June 2021
After-life support
An unemployed woman who had been paying child support to her children’s father complained to us that the Family Responsibility Office was still intercepting 50% of her unemployment benefits, even though the man had died and the children were now in her care.
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March 30, 2021
30 March 2021
Payment received
A mother complained to us because she was not receiving any family support payments from her children’s father, even though the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) had the ability to garnish his wages.
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July 6, 2020
6 July 2020
Help with the bill
A recipient of Ontario Disability Support Program benefits contacted us when he discovered his monthly natural gas and water tank rental fees had not been paid since 2016 and he owed $2,000 in outstanding fees.
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July 6, 2020
6 July 2020
Long overdue
A man with significant medical issues contacted us with the help of his social worker because he was experiencing financial hardship due to the Family Responsibility Office garnishing his Canada Pension Plan benefits for past child support arrears – although his children were now in their 30s.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
July 6, 2020
6 July 2020
Address unknown
A woman complained to us that she had not received any family support payments in over a year, despite submitting paperwork to the Family Responsibility Office asking that she receive them via direct deposit rather than by mailed cheque.
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May 29, 2020
29 May 2020
Broken telephone
Our staff helped a woman who was having trouble reaching a manager at the Family Responsibility Office (FRO), due to recent changes to its phone system.
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April 30, 2020
30 April 2020
Paid upfront
A cancer patient who is an Ontario Disability Support Program recipient told us she was about to have surgery and urgently needed funds to pay for transportation, but could not reach her caseworker.
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June 25, 2019
25 June 2019
Not on board
An Ontario Works recipient sought our help when he received a letter saying he would have to repay $1,835 to Ontario Works, and that his monthly income would be reduced by $202.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
June 25, 2019
25 June 2019
Credit undo
A mother who receives support for her adult child with disabilities sought our help after she inadvertently provided inaccurate information to FRO, resulting in the termination of her support and a $21,000 credit to the payor.
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June 25, 2019
25 June 2019
A parent error
A father complained to us that FRO had collected thousands of dollars of support payments from him for 14 years, even though his daughter was no longer in the care of her mother but had been made a Crown ward.
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June 25, 2019
25 June 2019
A pensioner who had a longstanding agreement to pay her family support arrears off at $50/month complained to us that the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) sent her a letter threatening to garnish half of her monthly income, which would leave her with no money to pay her utility bills.
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June 26, 2018
26 June 2018
Builder beware
A man who has physical disabilities and cancer was issued a grant from the province’s Home and Vehicle Modification Program (HVMP) to build a porch lift at his home.
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June 26, 2018
26 June 2018
Double trouble
A mother and adult daughter, both ODSP recipients who live together, complained to us about a mixup after the daughter successfully applied for ODSP for herself from a different office than the one where her mother was a client.
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June 26, 2018
26 June 2018
Mailbox full
A man whose shelter allowance was terminated by the ODSP without notice complained to us after his case worker did not respond to several email messages.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
June 26, 2018
26 June 2018
Brother’s keeper
We helped sort out a case of mistaken identity between the FRO and a man who could not insure his house because a writ was registered in his name for unpaid support obligations – even though it was his brother who actually owed support arrears.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
June 26, 2018
26 June 2018
Cold case
A man contacted our office after the FRO issued an order to garnish his Old Age Security payments and his federal pension, according to a court order from 1982.
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June 26, 2018
26 June 2018
Sharing the wealth
A woman who was owed more than $17,000 in spousal and child support came to our Office for help in liaising with FRO officials.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
June 26, 2018
26 June 2018
Clearer definition
An ODSP recipient complained to us about the Social Justice Tribunal of Ontario’s decision on her eligibility for the ODSP’s Work-Related Benefit.
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June 27, 2017
27 June 2017
Message mistake
After an ODSP recipient left her case worker a message asking about reporting employment income, she was surprised to discover her benefit entitlement was suspended.
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June 27, 2017
27 June 2017
Found money
A woman who was owed more than $100,000 in support payments complained to us about FRO’s lack of enforcement action against her ex-husband, even though she had provided information about his assets, finance and employment situation.
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June 27, 2017
27 June 2017
No place like home
The parents of two adult sons with highly complex medical needs and developmental disabilities contacted our Office because they felt they were in crisis. They wanted to continue to care for their sons at home, but were experiencing their own health challenges.
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June 27, 2017
27 June 2017
Tale of two cities
A Toronto woman who was seeking rapid reinstatement of ODSP benefits was staying with a relative in Oshawa while undergoing medical treatment. The ODSP office in Oshawa told her she would have to apply through their Toronto office – but she was too ill to travel, and worried that she could not make ends meet without benefits.
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November 8, 2016
8 November 2016
Painful delay
A woman who was seriously injured in a car accident complained that she waited seven months to receive her application for ODSP benefits.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
November 8, 2016
8 November 2016
Held at the border
A mother whose support payments from her ex-husband were collected through an enforcement agency in the U.S. complained that the FRO would not release any of it to her because it didn’t have the necessary documentation from a U.S. court.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
November 8, 2016
8 November 2016
Follow the money
A mother of two complained that FRO officials had not done enough to collect the more than $30,000 in support owed by her ex-husband, even though they knew where he worked.
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November 8, 2016
8 November 2016
An arresting mistake
A father contacted us from jail after he was arrested for failing to pay child support arrears to the Family Responsibility Office.
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August 24, 2016
24 August 2016
Nowhere to Turn
Investigation into the Ministry of Community and Social Services’ response to situations of crisis involving adults with developmental disabilities.
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July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
A sign of relief
A mother was concerned about the lack of support and funding for her 19-year-old son, who has autism and aggressive behavioural issues. He had recently been taken to hospital by police after an incident when he became agitated and violent.
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July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
Handling with care
The aunt and uncle of a 16-year-old boy with Down Syndrome needed help finding the boy a place to live after his mother died of cancer. They were concerned that they would not be able to care for him because they lived 270 kilometres away, both worked odd hours, and, due to their age, wouldn’t be able to look after him on a long-term basis.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
Wrong, wrong, wrong
A woman complained to the Ombudsman in May 2013 that her ex-husband owed $46,000 in spousal support and the FRO was not enforcing a court order that he pay it.
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July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
Labour pain
A woman came to us after she could not reach her ODSP case worker for two months. The woman was receiving Employment Insurance benefits of $295 per week, which were deducted from her monthly ODSP cheque of $1,842, but they had ended two months earlier. Despite this, the ODSP continued to take deductions from her cheque.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
Past the due date
The mother of a young man with significant mental health problems came to the Ombudsman because her son, who was receiving ODSP benefits, had been threatened with eviction from his group home because his rent had not been paid via ODSP.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
Crisis of care
The family of a 69-year-old woman with developmental disabilities contacted the Ombudsman because they could no longer care for her. She was in hospital after she was assaulted at her day program, but would have nowhere to live after she was discharged.
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July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
Settling an account
A man contacted our Office because he suspected the Family Responsibility Office had miscalculated the amount he owed for child and spousal support by almost $3,800. He had written the FRO three times in the past 18 months, but it did not acknowledge his letters or adjust his account.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
Going the distance
The owner of a home for adults with mental health issues contacted the Ombudsman, frustrated that he couldn’t get ODSP or Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) to provide funding to take one of his residents to her cancer treatments.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
Way out west
A single mother complained to the Ombudsman that she hadn’t received child support payments in six months, despite her daughter, a post-secondary student, still living at home. The father lived in B.C., and as long as the daughter attended school and lived with her mother, he was required to pay monthly support payments.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
July 28, 2015
28 July 2015
Bullied and baffled
A mother contacted us in frustration because she couldn’t get help for her nine-year-old daughter, who had been severely bullied and injured at school, and was expressing thoughts of self-harm.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
April 13, 2007
13 April 2007
Mental health services for military Children: Collateral Damage
The province created a $2-million emergency fund for children’s mental health services and the federal government committed $100,000 to help traumatized children of Ontario-based Canadian Forces personnel serving in Afghanistan.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
August 9, 2006
9 August 2006
It's All in the Name
Investigation into the complaint of the Family Responsibility Office's ineffective enforcement using a writ of seizure and sale.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
May 31, 2006
31 May 2006
Losing the Waiting Game
Investigation into unreasonable delay at the Ministry of Community and Social Services' Ontario Disability Support Program's Disability Adjudication Unit.
Topics include:Les sujets incluent:
May 20, 2005
20 May 2005
Between A Rock and A Hard Place
Investigation into parents forced to place their children with severe disabilities in the custody of Children’s Aid Societies to obtain necessary care.
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