Township of Lanark Highlands

Township of Lanark Highlands

May 21, 2024

21 May 2024

The Ombudsman reviewed a complaint about meetings held by council for the Township of Lanark Highlands.

The Ombudsman reviewed a complaint about meetings held by council for the Township of Lanark Highlands. The complaint raised concerns that council for the Township may have discussed the Glenayr Kitten Mill in closed session, and that these discussions did not fit within the closed meeting exceptions in the Municipal Act, 2001. In addition, the complaint raised concerns that the Township did not provide sufficient information about the general topic of discussion in its resolutions to proceed into closed session to discuss this matter.

The Ombudsman determined that council for the Township of Lanark Highlands did not contravene the open meeting rules in the Municipal Act, 2001 when it discussed the Glenayr Kitten Mill in closed session. In addition, the Ombudsman found that council’s resolutions to proceed into closed session to discuss this topic provided general information about the matters to be discussed and cited the exceptions from the Act being relied upon.

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