Township of Bonfield

Township of Bonfield

October 30, 2013

The Ombudsman found that members of the Personnel Committee for the Township of Bonfield did not violate the open meeting requirements with respect to an October 8, 2013 closed session at which the Committee received an update on an on-going municipal labour dispute, a pending Labour Relations Board hearing, and employment matters pertaining to specific municipal employees were discussed.  

The Ombudsman found that members of the Personnel Committee for the Township of Bonfield did not violate the open meeting requirements with respect to an October 8, 2013 closed session at which the Committee received an update on an on-going municipal labour dispute, a pending Labour Relations Board hearing, and employment matters pertaining to specific municipal employees were discussed. The discussions qualified for closed meeting consideration under the "personal matters about an identifiable individual", "labour relations/employee negotiations", "solicitor-client privilege" and "litigation or potential litigation" exceptions to the open meeting requirements.

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