Checked out

Checked out

December 7, 2023

A Francophone who had been unemployed for a long time requested a background check from the OPP so he could be hired for a new job.

A Francophone who had been unemployed for a long time requested a background check from the OPP so he could be hired for a new job. He was impatient to rejoin the workforce. The OPP uses a private service provider to conduct the background checks. After submitting his request, the man contacted the service provider several times, but was unable to receive service in French. We reached out to the OPP and the service provider. The service provider told us that the two bilingual background check agents were no longer working there.

RESULT: As a result of our intervention, the OPP located the man’s request and sent him the results that same day. The OPP set up a temporary process to offer its own service in French until the private service provider could hire bilingual staff. Several months later, we received confirmation that three new bilingual customer service agents had been hired.

Learn more about the French Language Services Unit which answers questions and takes complaints about services in French.
Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.