Report as required

Report as required

June 26, 2024

26 June 2024

We received complaints from two inmates at the same facility, alleging they had been sexually assaulted.

We received complaints from two inmates at the same facility, alleging they had been sexually assaulted. One inmate complained that they were sexually assaulted by another inmate, and the other complained that they were sexually assaulted by staff. When we inquired with facility staff, we found that neither allegation had been looked into, and they were only investigated months later, after we intervened. The facility also failed to notify the Ministry’s Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations unit, as required by policy.

RESULT: Our Office routinely monitors Ministry investigations and oversight of inmate allegations of sexual assault. In this case, we escalated our concerns to senior Ministry officials, and all facilities in the province were reminded of the reporting requirements regarding sexual assault allegations.

Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.